React Native — Application architecture with Design pattern using react-native-app-builder NPM

React Native — Application architecture with Design pattern using react-native-app-builder NPM


Do you want to know how to create react native project which is preconfigured with initial setups like authentication, theme, localization, redux, saga, and Fastlane?

This blog will help you to achieve your task in few minutes as well as enrich your understanding of the react-native project structure.


Initial setup of react-native app development.

Ensure your machine has the React Native dependencies installed


All you need to use is npm package react-native-app-builder

Open your Terminal and create an empty directory and follow these steps.

  1. npx react-native-app-builder <ProjectName>

  2. cd <ProjectName>

  3. npx react-native run-ios

  4. npx react-native run-android

What's inside

  • Latest react-native version with react hooks
  • Redux saga with persistReducer
  • Localization and Theme support (Dark / Light) Setup with React Context
  • App Button is a demo for Custom Component
  • Custom font and font size for maintaining typography
  • .env setup to support different env for PRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT
  • User Authentication flow
  • UI for Login, Tabs, and Settings
  • Fastlane setup

You will get organized code stucture as below

├── __tests__
├── android
├── ios
└── App
    └── Actions
    |   ├── Keys
    └── ApiConfig
    └── AppContext
    └── Localization
    └── Reducers
    |   ├──Default
    └── Routes
    └── Sagas
    └── Screens
    |    CommonComponent
    |    Components
    |    SubComponents
    └── Services
    └── Stores
    └── Theme
    |    Images
    └── Utils
├── fastlane
├── .env

User Interface

The predefined user interfaces will look like this


This package saves a good amount of development hours and also you get an organized code structure with react hooks.

Hopefully, this npm package will helpful for your next application development. Will appreciate your comments and feedback.

Happy coding!